Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Something to smile about

Next month, Turner Classic Movies' Star of the Month is Lucille Ball! Every Wednesday night in November, TCM will feature Lucy's movies, many made before she became a huge television star. Many people don't know that Lucy wasn't just a hilarious comedian and a gorgeous woman, she was also a talented actor.

Maybe I sound like a commercial. I don't care. I'm excited.

Oh, one other thing. If you have never seen The Thin Man, your opportunity is Nov. 4th at 7:00 or Nov. 5th at 5:00 (Central). If I were queen of the world, I would command you watch it. Since I'm not, I can only promise you that if you watch it, you'll be really, really happy you did.

If I could be anyone in the world when I grow up, I think it might be Nora Charles. They don't make them like that anymore. (I guess they probably never did.)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooo, thanks for the info. I love the old Lucille movies!

1/11/06 4:11 PM  
Blogger Fork said...

Nope. They probably didn't.

I take that back. I forgot about Irene Dunne.

2/11/06 3:44 PM  
Blogger Queen, III said...

Lucille Ball totally rocked. Can you think of a single person who doesn't like "I Love Lucy"? I can't. Because she rocked that much.

6/11/06 1:11 PM  

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Football Thoughts

Added 10/25: Blogger doesn't suck today!

Okay, so the 'Boys got spanked tonight. That's really not all that special. However, I do have some observations to share.

1. Watching football on TiVo is SO MUCH BETTER than watching it live. I feel sorry for anybody who doesn't have TiVo.

2. Queen, I will never understand your obsession with T.O. while there is a Tiki Barber in the world.

3. Seriously, he looks like he was carved from granite. With marble teeth imported from Italy.

4. Those are probably veneers. But they sure are pretty!

Twice as nice!

5. My favorite quote of the game, uttered artlessly by me in the first quarter: "That Manning guy can throw real good."

6. Secretly, I can throw pretty good, too. N.O. and I were tossing the football the other day, and I confided in him that my secret dream is career in the WNFL.

7. I sure was disappointed when he gave me the bad news.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but it's true: you're not eligible for the Wino's National Football League. Forky on the other hand...

24/10/06 2:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i do think tiki is pretty, but maybe a little TOO pretty? did you see the piece they did with him showing us around his house? matt and I were shocked at how, dare I say, flitty, he was and his wife letting him have the bigger closet for all his many, many clothes? just makes you wonder...

24/10/06 10:07 AM  
Blogger Queen, III said...

Okay, okay...who is this Tiki? I mun' know, so I can find out where he lives, too...
It never hurts to have options!

24/10/06 3:39 PM  
Blogger AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Queen--okay, now there are pictures. See what I mean? And he's twins! ;-)

Kimmie-G, I did not see that. But now that you mention it, maybe he is a little too pretty... hmmmmm....

25/10/06 5:41 PM  
Blogger Queen, III said...

holy mother of god. I'm converted.

26/10/06 9:22 PM  
Blogger Bibb Leo File said...

For some reason, Tiki reminds me of a muppet. 'Tiki' is even a good muppet character name. He also looks like he might eat me, which may have added to my instant dislike of him and his twin, whom I have dubbed "Wiki."

31/10/06 4:55 PM  
Blogger AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

He may be a gay muppet, but I don't care. I have always been a sucker for slightly oversized white teeth.

2/11/06 6:20 PM  

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

This one's for Queen, III

Ever since seeing this scary pic of Erykah Badu on the inimitable gofugyourself.com, I have been racking my brains... who does this outfit remind me of???

I finally got it.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

very astute observation, dear a-dub. I didn't know Rainbow Brite ever took a feild trip to an Aztec temple!

11/10/06 2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa, eerie.

11/10/06 3:53 PM  
Blogger Queen, III said...

Thanks, a-dub!! And as much as I love ol' Erika, even this outfit was a little much for me! I realize she was trying to pay tribute to my fave Funkmaster, George Clinton, but I think this might have been a little too "funky" eve for him. And actually, I think that Rainbow Brite did take a field trip to an Aztec temple, but that episode was only aired once...it was blantetly racist toward the Aztec nation.

16/10/06 1:44 PM  

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Friday, October 06, 2006

Graffiti on the inside of this study carrel

[Name redacted] is HOT!!!

Drunks Against Mad Mothers

RN [triangle or Greek symbol delta] 4 LIFE

Frat parties=girls for sex. Sor parties=boys for husbands

I [heart] Blake P!


I agree


phi gamm butt slam


Confederates suck! [line through suck] KICK ASS [drawing of confederate flag]

[two pieces of gum]

I Like People (indluding you!)

[Greek symbols] Phi Omega Tau

Bored [underlined]


[Greek symbols] Pi Kappa Alpha = Steroids


[Mathematical equation I will not bother typing out, as it is long]

I hate [crossed out] love Faggots

Fags deserve to die

Shaun (big Chinese man) is good (f***) in bed [presumably Chinese symbols]

Hook 'Em Horns

Recruit like hell and still lose

I need some **** in my ***** now!

I'll give you ****

Abercrombie and Fitch [crossed out] blonde white [crossed out] spoiled drunks can't drive, dumb crack heads

[Arrow] poor white trash can't afford Abercrombie and fitch

[Greek symbols] Delta Delta Delta

[Arrow] are whores

[Arrow] Dorks

[Arrow] Whores White Ugly Rejects

[Greek Symbols] Chi Omega

[Arrow] Go to chiomegasecrets.com


[Arrow] Girls call

[Arrow] We heart freshmen 10/11/91

YOU are so [underlined] cool!

Get a life! 2-7-91


Asians are cool

[Greek symbols] Alpha Tau Omega

Fags, DePledges and Douche Bags [crossed out]

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Blogger AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

OK, it's Saturday, noonish, and I'm back in the same study carrel... and last night I missed the wittiest one! It's written pretty light, which almost deprives the world of its brilliance. It reads:


7/10/06 12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/10/06 4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah... clever college students... they're so... funny?

9/10/06 9:09 AM  
Blogger Queen, III said...

I'm a little jealous and sad that whilst I was at Alma U, I didn't document any of the graffiti on my study carrel.

9/10/06 2:56 PM  

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Something pretty

I'm in the allegedly "quiet" study area in the library studying for the big Research Methods midterm (pray for me Tuesday at 2:00!!!). I decided to take a little break and check my comments on my sadly neglected blog. Only then did I realize that I still had that hideous "Katie's Revenge" picture up! I mean, it's an interesting story, but who wants to keep looking at it? Sorry about that. To make it up to you, here is something beautiful to look at. It's a picture from one of the world's most stunningly glorious places, the Snowdonia region of Wales.

Oh, how I wish I were there now. Although it's probably pretty cold there already. Still, it can't be colder than this freakin' library!

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