Thursday, December 14, 2006

And I just told you I wouldn't be posting for awhile...

Living on Frat Row is making me misanthropic in a big way.

Since I've decided that going to war with the neighbors is irresponsible and immature, I will vent my ire to you, my loyal reader, whoever you are.

People: It's a recycling bin. Not a trash can. You can tell because of how it says RECYCLING on it, and also (because I realize you may very well be illiterate) because of that big, funny symbol with the arrows forming a sort of triangle thingie?

That means, your garbage (half-full beer cans, Tropicana carton) does not go in it.

Also, your garbage does not go next to it on the curb. Yes, putting a bag of trash on my curb does make the trash go away, but only because I have to haul the thing to the Dumpster for you. I am not your garbage man.

Furthermore--it is MY recycling bin. Not only does this mean that you are not allowed to put trash in or near it, it also means that you are not allowed to move it, knock it over, or pick it up and throw it into my yard.

What do you have against my recycling bin? What can my recycling bin have EVER done to offend you? Seriously? I could see you having a problem if I decided to put a giant inflatable snowglobe or a strobe light in my front yard (don't worry, Cachinnator--never going to happen). I could see you having a problem if I decided to hit golf balls into a giant piece of plywood at 12:30 on a Wednesday night (oops, wait a second. Other of our neighbors have actually done this!) But seriously. My little blue recycling bin? Even the hardest-hearted among you can't have a problem with recycling!

So clearly you have a problem with me or someone living in my house. This I do not understand. We are ideal neighbors. We do not call the cops about your parties (okay, well, maybe once, but you were attacking my recycling bin before that). We don't have a barking dog or a crying baby or loud music. We mind our own business.

Therefore, you obviously have no reason to hate us. So there can only be one logical answer:

You are a despicable cretin.

Whew. Thanks, reader. I really needed to get that off my chest.

Next time on An Awfully Big Adventure: A-Dub rants about people who occasionally feed stray cats--they are humane enough to sort of keep the cat alive and hanging around, but not humane enough to take it in or to the no-kill shelter! Discussion to follow.

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Blogger Tracy said...

If you make the Mary Poppins red scarf, please post pictures. It's too cute!

15/12/06 1:12 PM  
Blogger The Cliff said...

Sucks about the neighbors. I just started looking for a house/condo/duplex/apartment to rent and have been very weary about looking near JoB University because of said Frat Boys. However, if you see a nice 2 bedroom place in a reasonable price range that will be available in June Let me know!!

19/12/06 9:56 AM  
Blogger Queen, III said...

FRAT BOYS SUUUUUCKKK!!! For some reason, the TCU boys LOVE to come hang out in my neck of the woods, and I have to refrain myself from starting fights with them every time! (Please note that I cannot fight.)

19/12/06 1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear about the state of the yard.

I affirm and support your decision not to go to war as well.

However... maybe a very little guerrilla warfare might be acceptable. Have NO pee in their bushes every night for example. Start killing all their flora. They might not even notice, but I bet you'd giggle about it.

24/12/06 2:21 AM  
Blogger Fork said...

Post-its with the word "MINE!" work too.

25/12/06 2:02 PM  
Blogger Tracy said...

Hi A-Dub...just wanted to say that I hope you had a Merry Christmas and that your 2007 is full of joy and blessings!

29/12/06 11:31 AM  

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Monday, December 11, 2006

Watch this space... but not very closely.

In case you haven't noticed (which maybe you haven't), I haven't exactly been posting up a storm lately. Reasons for this include school work, house-related work, trying to spend less time rotting my eyes and brains staring at a computer screen, and just plain laziness.

So, I'm posting to let you know that I officially won't be posting much for a while.

I'm not giving my blog up completely, but I will only post when I actually have something to communicate... so checking every month or so will be sufficient. I'll be on more of a Bibb Leo File schedule than my at-least-once-a-day hyperposting schedule of yore.

It's been a good run, overall. I kept it up pretty well for about a year. And maybe I'll come back to regular blogging one day.

In the meantime, I'll keep checking you guys' blogs regularly. So write interesting things! Entertain me, entertain me!

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Blogger Fork said...

No! Entertain ME!

13/12/06 11:14 AM  
Blogger Bibb Leo File said...

What?! Is this some kind of sick joke? A "Bibb Leo File schedule"? I'll have you know that I post plenty of informative, thought-provoking things on a semi-regular basis, and besides, it's not the size of your blog that counts; it's how you handle it!

15/12/06 12:46 PM  
Blogger AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

I KNOW, Bibb! That's what I meant, my dear. I will be posting rather less frequently in order to post things I really want to post, rather than just trying to dredge something up out of guilt that I haven't posted in a while. It wasn't a slur, it was an homage!

16/12/06 11:09 AM  
Blogger Bibb Leo File said... homage, you say? Right, all that about the relative size of blogs and whatnot...Freudian slip, you know.

17/12/06 10:47 PM  

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