Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Adventures in Matriculating

Well, I'm back. Back here where it all began, at ol' Alma Mater U. I have now had two days of classes and work in my assistantship, so I have a pretty good basis to begin telling you what it's like.

It's kinda weird.

It's mostly cool.

Well, actually, hot. Those of you who went here before will probably not believe me, but I am not lying: the parking situation is twice as bad as it was before. The Powers That Be have built several new parking garages which are, of course, stunningly beautiful in addition to being functional and all that. However, they have also grassed over several centrally-located parking lots in what I can assume is an effort to discourage driving on campus, and eventually lead to a pedestrian campus. The square parking lot in the middle of North and South Marrying-Kind Hall? Grass! The big parking lot in front of South Marrying-Kind Hall? GRASS! The mini-lot across from the student union and next to the tennis courts? A memorial garden to two professors who unexpectedly passed away last year... oh, okay, fine, that one's better than a useless mini-parking-lot. But anyway. I have given up the car and am walking everywhere. Fine. It's faster. Healthier, too. However, I am not accustomed to arriving at my destination sweaty. Sweaty is for immediately pre-shower workout time only. I'm having to get used to it, and it makes me slightly cranky.

My professors (I have two professors for my three classes, which are located in three rooms, the farthest-flung of which are ten paces from each other) are nice. One of them is this extremely dry, slightly nerdy but funny pregnant lady. We get to cut the semester three weeks short so she can have her baby--hooray! Babies are awesome, especially when they make the semester end before Thanksgiving. The other is an absolutely adorable elderly gent who came to class today wearing a seersucker suit and a pink-and-blue diagonally-striped tie. He proceeded to lecture us on the wonders and benefits of capitalism. He could not have charmed me more if charming me were his express purpose. He is an old "newspaper man" with loads of experience and a remarkably upbeat attitude toward emerging media technology. I'm going to love him. He is making us subscribe to the NYT, but after the seersucker suit, I can forgive him almost anything.

Regarding technology, clearly it's a hot-button issue in the journalism field. (When I'm a professional journalist, I vow to avoid cliches like "hot-button issue." Just now, I'm too tired to care.) I already know the topic of my big class project in one of my classes, and it's to do with blogs. So you, my darling blog-friends, will likely be the topic of discussion 'round the conference table. (It's a small class.) I promise to keep your identities a secret, and to represent our little blog-ring well... without telling any of my classmates or professors how to find us on here. I would never sully our special trysting-place like that!

Must sleep now.

PS. Today at 5 I was walking past Puff Net Hall (a pseudonym) talking on my cell phone (must fit in!) when our resident Quasimodo-or-Quasimodette began playing "The Star-Spangled Banner" on the carillon. It warmed the cockles of my withered heart. That may sound like a snarky statement, but really, it made me happy.

PS. Yesterday I saw an underclassman girl walking to class wearing a pair of leggings and a tank top (the kind with spaghetti straps, not the wife-beater kind). That's all. No pants. Not even what I would consider a shirt (though I'm obviously in the minority on that one). Essentially, she was wearing long underwear and some kicky sandals. I was appropriately appalled. The fact that no one else seemed particularly appalled made me feel like a granny.

PS. I miss you all. I hope things here will get more regular soon!


Blogger Tracy said...

Oh, I miss Alma Mater U! Puff Net hall with the Star Spangled Banner? I would have been downright teary! Glad your first days back on campus have been good. I can't wait to hear about your round table discussions on blogging. What a great topic for a paper. It's so very cutting edge, dahling!

24/8/06 10:05 AM  
Blogger Queen, III said...

Wow!! I'm a little bit jealous! I love being a student. You have so little responsibility comparatively. Unless you're Mister Sherry.
You ol' man professor sounds adorable and wonderful.
By the way, have you seen His Girl Friday?! You can totally pretend that you're Rosalind Russell! And I'll give you $10 if you wear one of those hats she appears in!

24/8/06 12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish i was anywhere but here. seriously. we have cumes now. i wouldn't even mind being sweaty. yes your old man professor seems like someone whose cheeks i'd like to pinch. any chance that may happen?

24/8/06 4:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i meant cubes. CUBES!!! hate when i don't proofread before pushing the little button.

24/8/06 4:02 PM  
Blogger Bibb Leo File said...

No, no! You shouldn't be Rosalind Russell's character from His Girl Friday! You should model yourself and your whole journalistic career after Jennifer Jason Leigh's character Amy Archer in The Hudsucker Proxy!

Speak at an unitelligibly fast pace all the time, and try to leave every room by dramatically slapping a male coworker. (Also, you really should take up smoking; I mean, it's pretty much required.)

24/8/06 6:55 PM  
Blogger Grizham said...

I saw N.O. Today when I went to work out. Talk about Awesome getting to see him again. Also, How does Queen 3 know Mister Sherry?

30/8/06 12:01 AM  
Blogger Fork said...

Queen 3 is a graduate of Alma Mater U, dig-bat!

Wow. This post brought back so many memories...You being so ordered...knowing where you're supposed to be and what you're supposed to be doing...

Anybody want a great apartment in Midtown New Yuck (a pseudonym)?

30/8/06 2:16 PM  

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