Sunday, April 23, 2006

Which one shall it be?

As you see on my sidebar, I am currently reading The Princess and the Goblin, as recommended/loaned by Forky. However, for variety's sake, I really like to be reading two books at once. I'm going to breeze on by my next-in-line book, The Murder at the Vicarage, because I've just been loaned three very enticing ones by N.O.'s mom, Daybreak (a pseudonym). They all sound so good that I would like you to help me decide in which order I should read them. They are (in no particular order):

Watership Down
(apparently a favorite of Sawyer's, not that that's an incentive)
The Count of Monte Cristo
So, which should I read first?


Blogger Queen, III said...

I say Wicked - for selfish reasons - I want to know if it's good and I've been anxiously since you already have it...

24/4/06 10:38 AM  
Blogger Fork said...

I've read 'Wicked'. It's SUPER weird and it helps your enjoyment if you have a working knowledge of the Oz books going in. I can tell you about it so you don't have to read it. It is NOT the same story as the stage musical. It's a crazy, sex-filled romp about futility.

I say go with the bunnies.

24/4/06 12:45 PM  
Blogger Bibb Leo File said...

I was just thinking that it would be great to combine those three into one genre-smashing literary classic like "The Wicked Count of Watership Cristo," in which a wealthy aristocratic bunny suspected of being a witch is forced to overcome the vicious social injustices of a rabbit society that cannot understand why he's green and filled with a passion for vengeance. I'd read that book.

27/4/06 1:02 PM  

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