Thursday, March 30, 2006

This post is so gay.

Don't worry, I'm not about to turn this into a knitting blog or anything. I just felt like putting these up here because I thought they actually turned out pretty well, and that's rare. Plus, as you may have noticed, I've been trying very hard not to post anything substantive lately.

Not that I ever post anything substantive, but you know what I mean...

Anyway, here are a couple of my latest projects. N.O. asked me to make him some golf club covers, and he wanted them to be pretty obnoxious, so here they are.

They would also make good maraca covers.

Irritating, aren't they? (The stripes signify the number of the club.) I just might have to knit him a matching tam-o-shanter--then his obnoxious golfing gear would be complete! Incidentally, he was unable to explain to my satisfaction why some clubs need covers and some don't. But then, maybe he did explain and I just wasn't listening.

This is the baby blanket I just made for my niece Lillie. I wish I could convey to you how soft it is. (It's made from wool-blend yarns that are just unbelievable. Maybe it's best you don't mention to N.O. how expensive these yarns are, 'kay?) Downside: What kind of idiot makes a hand-wash-only blanket for a BABY? This kind of idiot. Yeah.

Anyway, I changed up some stuff in the pattern to make it rufflier. The result is it's very girly, though it also looks a little like a lasagna noodle. The peaches-and-cream colors will be gorgeous next to Lillian's skin, though. She's SO CUTE.

How cute is she, you ask? Exactly this cute:

And when she falls asleep with her (no, seriously) favorite toy, an old phone cord, she's this cute:

Know who else is cute? My nephew Zachary.


Blogger Queen, III said...

First, let me say that you're knitting is amazing! How do you it?! I'm impressed with your mad skills!
Your neice and nephew could be the cutest kids ever in the history of the world. She loves a phone cord!! I can't even contain my gushing, it's just too cute!! And Zachery! With the cowboy hat! How has he not gotten kidnapped?! I know that I would kidnap him! And keep him for my very own!

31/3/06 9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! They ARE cute! Who knew? Oh, that's right; I did. Incidentally, how big is that blanket because it looks really small, but very pretty. Hey, could you make me some maraca covers? You'd be surprised how...cold? maracas get. Should I have gone with "dusty?" I don't actually know why things need covers.

31/3/06 12:51 PM  
Blogger AmberO at Sleeping is for Sissies said...

Why, thank you Q3! I'm blushing! Actually, my knitting is extremely elementary. But thanks for the compliments! And I happen to agree with you--those are some super cute kids, huh?? (The bragging isn't quite as obnoxious if you're an aunt instead of a parent, right? That's what I'm telling myself.) :-D

E-Dub, the blanket is smallish. Around 2 1/2 feet. But that's 'cause - you know - she's a baby.

3/4/06 3:15 PM  
Blogger Fork said...

Her phavorite toy is a phone cord? Wow! That's sort of like how you spend lots of money on cat toys when, in the end, they're perfectly happy with a piece of string.

Maybe she's part cat.

3/4/06 3:37 PM  
Blogger Fork said...

And e-dub, as long as you're referring to them as "my maracas" there's no way you can win.

3/4/06 3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I was afraid "my maracas" sounded kind of dirty or at least really dorky. I do have maracas, though. Viva Mexico! Or not.
Yes, A-dub, I know she's a baby, thankyouverymuch, but in case you haven't noticed, she's a giant baby.

5/4/06 1:58 PM  
Blogger Tracy said...

That's a whole lot of cute! I'm very impressed with your knitting. Especially the lasagna baby blanky. I want one!!!

7/4/06 11:28 AM  

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