Thursday, March 23, 2006

On the brink.

OK, I haven't actually been writing on here much lately, because I don't know what to say. N.O. and I are in a pretty scary place in our lives right now. Not with each other--we're really, really happy, and are, in fact, rapidly approaching our first anniversary next Sunday! (Which is really hard to believe!)

No, it's just that life, for us, is getting really scary because everything's really up in the air and we have spent the last four or five months literally not knowing where we will be living, what we will be doing, or what we will be living on at the end of the summer. We've gotten pretty soft and complacent recently... not that we're living in the lap of luxury or anything. We have just really started to appreciate nice things and a comfy apartment. And now we're going to have to make some sacrifices in order to follow our dreams.

Long story short--we've both been accepted into grad school (N.O.--MBA, me--MA in Journalism) at the school of our choice (which was also the school of our choice back in 1997 and 1998, respectively). So, now we enter into the terrifying and tedious process of waiting for our financial aid award letters and, then, probably, doing some wangling for graduate assistantships and other financial aid, to see if we can really make this all happen.

Best case scenario: our income next year is half what it was this year. Worst case scenario is much, much worse.

Incidentally, we are aware that a married couple trying to go to grad school at the same time is, rightly, considered fundamentally insane. But it's pretty much now or never, and a lifetime of not being stuck in dead-end jobs is worth two years of privation, right?

So, anyway, please pray for us that we will find the right path and that our eyes will be opened to it, whatever it is--even if it's not what we want!


Blogger Queen, III said...

I will be praying for you most definately!! And please keep me posted!

23/3/06 3:10 PM  

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