Thursday, April 20, 2006

Dr. Dummy

As you may know, my younger sister is a doctoral student in English at Alma Mater U.

Here is an email she recently wrote me about an experience she had grading the essay portions of practice MCAT tests.

"If all of the MCATs I graded were this funny, I would do this for the rest of my life. Before I make fun of this girl - or rather, let her paper speak for itself, which is cruel enough - bear in mind two things. One - based on her name, I'm pretty sure she's a native English speaker; she has no excuse. And two, this girl wants to be a doctor someday, which puts a damper on the humor of the situation a bit in that it terrifies me to my very marrow.

There are no typos in the following paragraph. The errors in spelling and punctuation are hers.

'Science is the field that wants to know the answer to why and how something is the way it functions. This explination is why scientist try to disclose the answers to come into realization of a discovery. Any way to find the truth about a topic is justifiable as long as nobody is harmed in it's discovery. Toleration is a non acceptable policy in the field of science if it contains livelyhood harm on an individual's life. Death or physical pain could be perceived as a threat or risk to human life.'

I, for one, agree that death poses a serious threat to human life."

Yikes. Just to verify--am I right in assuming that before you can take the MCAT, you have to be a college graduate?!


Blogger Fork said...

This is the girl who will wish in dreamland that she could go to heal the ailments. She will not go! When she is getting the paper of certification of good learning, I say, "Congratulation!" Then, taking many medicines, I make myself to keep from ever allowing sickness.

20/4/06 2:29 PM  
Blogger Queen, III said...

I am laughing out loud for the first time today! Wow. They just don't make 'em like they used to!

20/4/06 3:37 PM  
Blogger Bibb Leo File said...

I four one feele that her comments justified thier understanding of being correct. Why does the groop of readers seem to be threatning her write to be expressive her opinion. Opinions are allowed to be open and different from others, so long as they do not contradict what anyone else says.

(Lordy, I miss grading essays like this; I'm so glad that I'm going to be teaching again!)

27/4/06 12:53 PM  

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