Tuesday, May 09, 2006

An Open Letter to Li.Lo

Dear Linds (I can call you Linds, right?):

I love you. Don't ask me why. Maybe it's because underneath it all, you seem kind of fun. And you seem to have a good sense of humor about yourself. Plus, you're an unrepentant diva.

So, since we're buds, a few thoughts. Please, please, please, keep the hair red. It's great! Blonde is not great on you, and neither is dark brown. And the fake tan? No. What is so bad about being a fair-skinned Irish girl? You look different from the crowd. That is a strength. Go with it.
Also, quit acting like Paris Hilton. You're so much better than that. Also, that outfit is dumb. Come on! When people say "You can wear anything and still look hot," that doesn't mean you should wear dumb things! You still look better in pretty things. Duh. And, finally, you make me want to go home and get on the stairmaster immediately so one day I can have righteous legs like that. (Which I would never encase in leggings.) The end.



Blogger Queen, III said...

I agree! Li-Lo, you're so much better than the company you keep!

9/5/06 1:36 PM  

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