Friday, January 13, 2006


I just realized it's Friday the 13th, which makes this all the weirder...

I have done something totally wild, crazy, and unexpected--totally out of character for me.

I quit my job.

Two weeks' notice? Nope. Excuses about "pursuing opportunities?" Nope. Cushy back-up job waiting in the wings? Nope.

Yesterday afternoon, I came home, cried and bawled for about an hour about how effing miserable I was every minute of every day at work, and had a conversation with N.O. in which we both agreed that life's too short to be that miserable. Then I wrote a strongly worded letter (using only natural light!) and N.O. and I went to the office. It was around 9 PM, but there were still plenty of poor bastards in the building--though none in my suite, thank goodness. We carted out all my personal belongings (down to my last two bottles of water in the fridge and my Lean Cuisine in the freezer, which made me feel a bit like the Grinch taking that tiny morsel from the fireplace, but was kinda fun nonetheless), left the letter, keys, last assignment I was working on, and last week's time sheet (HA!) on the boss's desk, and cleaned all my personal stuff off the computer.

Then we walked out dramatically, never to return. For a horrible second, I thought I had locked my car keys inside. I hadn't, but it did spoil the drama just a touch.

This morning at about 7:30, I just lay awake in bed, thinking about how the boss would come in to work this morning, find the letter and stuff on his desk, see my cleaned-out office, and totally flip out. It didn't make me feel as bad as you might think it would. All in all, it was kind of a jerk move, and the type of thing I would never normally do...but I don't care. They absolutely deserved it. And it feels, I gotta tell you, pretty good.

It won't be feeling so good in a couple of weeks when the money stops coming in.

Anybody know of any good jobs? Preferably temporary ones...


Blogger Queen, III said...

Amber!!! You quit your JOB!!! I'm impressed. I will have to get all the details soon...I'm itching with curiosity!

19/1/06 11:23 AM  

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